prohibit With all the controversy surrounding Harry Potter, whose cries, the book in schools, the novels have something that parents and teachers in the U.S. as a group did not yet succeeded. You have read to our children.
A recent study by Scholastic notes some interesting statistics in children in the world of Harry Potter. Parents and children both credit Potter and the children learn, for pleasure, read a little over half the children surveyed said they have failed to do before locking in the series. Almost two thirds - 65% - have noted improvements in the school, as they began the works of JK Rowling.
Even more important than pasta, but the change in attitude towards each reading. Previous studies have shown that children reading drops after the age of 8 years. The average reader of Harry Potter, but the show starts at 9 and read read - and - the books as they age.
Read the books. This statement alone speaks volumes for me. Most people I know read a book once and then never again. Most people who see the same movie again and again and refused to know a book they have read, because "they know how it ends. Watching TV, overused also expected with the same suffix. However, we have children reading and rereading the books. The idea is quite amazing.
Speaking of mindboggling, you realize that most adults read less than five pounds after higher education, either high school or university. Reading is obviously too difficult for most people. But Rowling has to read his audience captive, not one, but six pounds, and look forward to the seventh. Not only that, but according to the above-mentioned study, half of the readers of Harry Potter will find a new series to devour. One of three - 33% - the intention to reread the series again. Curiously, only 27% want to look for a new book, Rowling, maybe the rest are afraid sucked into another series of ten years.
You can ask me for the three sections, in person (not a word about the overlap that has been said by the way). I'll be the number immediately before the seventh Read book comes to time I get my book 'just in time immemorial. So I have managed the last two books. I will continue to read new books and look for a new series. And I'm looking forward to the next book Rowling - although I might wait until his next series is complete before you start reading this time.
condition at PIRATATOONET
14 years ago
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