Many films have been made to the tragic story of the Titanic. Arrogance and ignorance was very present during its maiden voyage, which was the last voyage of the Titanic.
Several warnings were given, but unfortunately, the warnings were not taken seriously. On 14 April 1912 Titanic received six warnings that icebergs were in their area. On the night of the 14th April the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
For others, what happened to the Titanic does not happen with them. Many have learned from mistakes that the Titanic had.
There are several examples, and follow a parallel form to what happened to the Titanic and how a company can learn from the mistakes of the Titanic to.
1st Save the Titanic had 16 lifeboats, which was not enough on board the ship.
Only 60% capacity of lifeboats was used together "! Does your company have a contingency plan in place? Your computers, especially servers, are backed up regularly on a? Many servers are now backed up on a daily basis and sometimes on an hourly basis.
If I worked a help desk, one appointed our daughters afternoon Queen's "Backup" because they are all very large server backup seriously. This company was very happy that I am the Queen "backup", since there were several cases in which our main server crashed, and the loss of data. Fortunately, the recovery of information is quick and painless, because the machine can be stored on a regular basis.
We were very fortunate to have someone to have to manage the initiative for server backups taken. Your company is so lucky? Yes, you can back-ups are also done without much interest. However, the loss of valuable data to be very exciting, but in a negative way.
2nd The crew in the tower or the crow's nest "that is not issued" to a better pair of binoculars looking for icebergs.
The employees do not receive the appropriate tools to use to do their job. Is your company using the software for the job? Are you saving money for your operating system and software, but customers lose? If you are losing customers, you're not really save money at all.
The right equipment can range from very simple, such as headphones emissions, ensure with the telephone customer service to ensure that the backup generator can perform adequately due to failure in our current program.
Third Titanic had 16 watertight compartments. At first it sounded good, but unfortunately, each subject not stand on its own. Each compartment was similar to an ice cube tray. If one compartment flooded, the water flowed into the next compartment. Each compartment does not close completely, the water itself
Your company has a plan for disaster recovery in place well? If a flood or a fire struck the premises, you would be able to conduct its business in a few days should be, or it be a matter of months?
If the information you are sent to the site to off-site, allowing you to another place to have your valuable information access?
4th The Titanic was in full flight at night in iceberg infested waters.
Your machines are running in your company 100% on a continuous basis? What costs you downtime, if these machines needs to be corrected? Are you really saving money by not buying more machines? Is it the cost of more machines outweigh the cost of capital from your current machine?
Five. The Titanic did not heed warnings of many icebergs.
Titanic received six warnings iceberg on the day it sank! Is your sales force, customer service and / or help desk to really listen to your customers? Mart Sam Walton, founder of Wal said that, the most important person in an organization is that customers are welcomed. Too many companies do not even realize how each person represents their company!
It is too much competition in the market not on the warnings. Industries such as telecommunications, automotive, office products, alcoholic beverages and food, just to name a few, it is better to take the warnings seriously. Some companies may not have the luxury of six warnings that the Titanic was. Sometimes, a single warning break a company. Therefore, business to promote and to take seriously the comments of customers valuable and can be a gold mine.
6th The Titanic only had white flare guns to signal help.
Red is the color standard for a torch is to distress. When the Titanic sank, white flare guns were fired from the ship. One or two ships many miles away to say that the white rocket, but not interpret the white flares as warning messages.
Has your organization is the appropriate means of communication? Is it ensured that all parties understand what others say parties? Many groups within an organization to speak very different languages. Sales, Engineering and Management translations may also like the translation of three foreign languages.
Seventh Bruce Ismay, President of the White Star, under the pressure of Captain Smith in goals unrealistic and dangerous.
Ismay wanted the Titanic in New York, Tuesday, April 16 arrive. To achieve this goal, the ship at full speed most of the time would travel. The restriction of Ismay was found to be dangerous, because the disappearance of the ship.
Ismay level was similar to levels of CEO. CEO is set by your company and the rest of the management, realistic goals? Your managers to communicate to ensure bilateral? Feedback is important for the survival of any business, because many managers are not involved in the daily work.
8th The two priorities of the mobile operator does not focus on the priorities of the ship.
Most aristocrats in first class passage had the premium cable network in New York paid contributions. One operator said the Titanic, another ship to "shut up" after receiving another warning iceberg. It was a powerful criticism that thousands of lives could have cost.
Your customer service is ready to keep and win customers? Customer Service Representative can earn a courteous and competent service company thousands of dollars and maybe even more! I had the happy experience of dealing with many of the leading exponents of customer service. I said that many bosses of the EPR I really appreciate their help as well and they are happy on their big rep team to have.
9th Building with steel of the Titanic was never tested in the cold.
The steel liner is from the early 20th Century was fragile to begin. Unfortunately, the steel has never been stress tested to determine which can withstand the values of stress in the structure.
condition at PIRATATOONET
14 years ago
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