Monday, April 26, 2010

novel story - Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and homoerotic undercurrents

Twelfth Night, or whatever you want is a transvestite called Shakespeare plays. There are many homoerotic in Shakespeare's drama script anyway, which is not surprising, the least throughout the Epiphany, to find a scattered piece full of sexual intrigue and emotional ambiguity.
Consider the main characters and their encounters with each other and with the original object of their affection. Orsino is so full of the debilitating disease, as love is literally what it would be to kill him and end his misery known. Then comes Viola, disguised as a young man, and he is quite with it (her) taken. What is it? Here's a man falls in love with a young woman who happened to be playing a young man. This must have confused a little dizzy and especially in Shakespeare, playing the character of Viola was male. The women were not allowed on the Elizabethan stage after Shakespeare's time. Thus, the public would see a man playing a woman playing a man.
As soon as Sir William could say, we have the young woman, Viola, now disguised as Cesario, by the Count Orsino Olivia recovery fed, beloved of the count. Olivia gets "Cesario (Viola), and instead of Falling Forward, the good Count and his offer of love and affection, Olivia falls for Cesario, who is, of course, Viola. Therefore lady to express her love for a young man who is actually a woman .
Not quite so subtle, and therefore more interesting, because the social contempt for homosexuality in England in the 15th Century, is the stated interest of the love of Antonio Sebastian, Viola's brother. The not Ask Do not Tell policy has clearly not in force, in these days of Antonio, a sea captain, open expression of romantic love in the conditions for the newly saved Sebastian. Antonio is struck to the extent that he went with Sebastian to Illyria, despite the fact that in this city there is a price on his head, placed there by none other than Count Orsino.
But what are the underlying currents of the ambiguous and hidden homoerotic identification of this piece. The interaction between Sir Toby Belch and Andrew Aguecheek, for example. They seem like relatively simple and relatively well right. But in the drunken debauchery Toby, Andrew and the inability of fun, a serious attempt to win Olivia do, we see yet another possibility of sexual ambiguity. It can at least Sir Andrew asexual one of the many roles of the playwright, to throw used by Shakespeare, the other human characters indecent razor sharp. Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, as Adam in As You Like It, and Francis Flute in Midsummer Night's Dream, all have a role rather helplessly, as their characters as the basis for the main event.
Then we come to Malvolio. This clown character is impossible to take seriously. But conspire to do the real clowns of the play, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew exactly to humiliate Malvolio with Maria, as a comment just kidnapped one of the few people to serve openly in the right Epiphany. Malvolio is deeply in love with Olivia, and when he thinks he found the note was written for him by her, he willingly accepts their instructions ridiculous. Appearing in Olivia's room shortly after, with his yellow garters, and follow the instructions in the note of "strange behavior to be rude to the servants, and smile constantly," Malvolio is mocked for rooms of Olivia. 'S behavior is interfering with a trip to a black box, where he is condemned to be rewarded, because it sounds crazy. This is not a cure for a man who is really crazy, crazy in love a lady. But Twelfth Night, exile to a black box is what the character is still an ambiguity that filled in this drama with lots of complicated.
Ultimately, all found their heart desires, lost with the exception of Antonio, Olivia Sebastian. Who knows, maybe Sir Andrew to take her by one of the lost plays of Shakespeare. Delicious and very entertaining Epiphany fun and sometimes confusing, but very funny if you watch closely, and can suspend disbelief.

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